Withdrawal or Premature Closure Rules for SSA

Now that Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana is gaining quite popularity across India, there are a lot many curious parents and guardians who are looking for various aspects of Sukanya Samriddhi Account so that they can open an account for their girl child and secure her future.  One such aspect of SSA is its withdrawal rules.

Withdrawal rules for SSA is quite an important part of the scheme as there is a lot of confusion about this aspect.  The scheme clearly mentions that 50% of the amount could be withdraw able after the age of 18 years and rest at the time of maturity.  We would discuss this further in this article.

Withdrawal Sukanya Samriddhi Khata Yojana

Rule for Premature Closure of Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana SSA

The following are two conditions in which Sukanya Samriddhi Account can be closed prematurely:

  1. In case of unfortunate death of the account holder: In this case, the guardian or the parent would have to furnish death certificate issued by competent authorities, wherein, the balance as well as the interest accrued till the preceding month before the month of closure would be handed over to the parent or guardian of the girl child.
  2. The account can also be closed prematurely in case the central government feels that it has become quite tough for the parent or the guardian to carry forward the account. This permission by central government authorities would be issued under extreme compassionate grounds like medical exigencies and life threatening diseases.

Withdrawal Rules for Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana SSA

One thing is quite clear about withdrawal of SSA that there could be no withdrawal before 18 years of age of the girl child.  After that, the withdrawal of the money is only possible in the amount of not more than 50% of the amount accumulating at the preceding year in the following two conditions:

  1. For higher education, i.e. for any course that the girl wants to purse after her schooling
  2. To meet the financial demands of marriage

Since, 100% can’t be withdrawn before 21 years, any girl having this account can take full benefits of this account at the time of marriage or education is only after the maturity of the account.

What could be the amount of withdrawal in Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana SSA?

There are two clearer points which needs mention while talking about amount of withdrawal:

  1. 50% of the money can be withdrawn from the account for the purpose of marriage and higher education of the girl child, and
  2. No withdrawal could be made before the girl child attains an age of 18 years
  3. To make an withdrawal, the account should have a deposit of atleast 14 years or more

The above points clearly mention that the withdrawal limit for the account is 50% of the value collected on the preceding financial year after the officials is satisfied that the reasons for withdrawal are genuine enough as mentioned in withdrawal terms and conditions.

Closure on maturity in Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana SSA

In normal conditions, the account is matured only after 21 years from the day of opening of the account and the account holder can withdraw the full amount once it gets matured.

However, entire amount can be withdrawn at the time of marriage of the girl child and that should be only in case when the girl is at least 18 years of age.  The account can’t be operated after the girl child has been married.

Last but not the least; full withdrawal of the matured account can only be done by the girl child herself.  This rule certainly gives her a lot of financial independence and this way every parent and guardian of a girl child in India can secure their daughter’s future

Other Important Articles to Read

  1. Interest Rate in Sukanya Samriddhi Account
  2. Drawbacks of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana
  3. Sukanya Samriddhi Form

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