Jal Shakti Abhiyan – Har Ghar Jal Scheme 2019-20

Jal Shakti Abhiyan – Har Ghar Jal Scheme 2019-20

Improper maintenance of the nature water bodies, indiscriminate usage of sub-soil water, lack of water harvesting techniques and several similar issues have paved the path for water troubles in India. Massive depletion of the ground water reserves has started showing its effect in the rural areas. According to recent studies, environmentalists and scientists have predicted that around 21 India cities will run out of ground water complete, and this will happen by the end of 2020.

Thus, the central government has launched a number of water conservation schemes. One such scheme is the Jal Shakti Abhiyan. It is the main scheme that has several sub-schemes under its wing. Millions of homes in urban and rural areas still do not have water connection in their homes. To tackle this issue, the central authority will launch Har Ghar Jal Scheme under Jal Shakti Abhiyan.

Jal Shakti Abhiyan

Launch details of the scheme

Name of the main scheme Jal Shakti Abhiyan
Name of the sub-scheme Har Ghar Jal Scheme
Launched in India
Launched by Narendra Modi
Announced by Gajendra Singh Shekhawat
Date of announcement July 2019
Primary aim of the project Conservation and proper distribution of water
Aim of the sub-scheme Offering domestic water connection to all homes
Implementation commences from 2019 – 2020
Estimated completion date 2024
Total budget Rs. 25,000 crore


Key features of the jal Shakti program – Har Ghar Jal Scheme

  1. Putting a stopper on water availability issues – The underground water reserves need time to replenish. As the manufacturing industries pump out many thousands gallons of water regularly, the level of ground water goes down rapidly. As the vicious cycle continues, there is no scope for ground water replenishment. It is the main reason behind the large scape water scarcity. The main and sub-schemes will not only try to put an end to this water availability issue but will lay the foundation for sound water supply as well.
  2. Essential preventive measures – Water conservation and supply are not the only highlights of this scheme. It has been decided that special steps will be taken to ensure that the ground water level also rises. Afforestation, rain water harvesting and water body restoration will also come in handy to accomplish this task. Building watersheds at proper locations will also aid the government in its aim.
  3. Phase-wise implementation of the scheme – To ensure proper implementation of the various measures, the central government has decided that the entire project will be carried out in two separate projects. 1st July 2019 had been picked as the starting date of first phase implementation, and it will come to an end on the 15th of September 2019. The starting date of the second phase is the 1st of October. The second phase is supposed to end on the 30th of November, 2019.
  4. Distressed area identification – The central government has already identified around 21 cities. These cities fall in the high risk category of water crisis. After 2020, these cities and 255 districts in particular will no longer have any sub-soil water reserves, which will be adequate enough to meet the requirements of the people, living in these areas. Thus, supplying water to the manufacturing industries is out of the question.
  5. Maintenance of natural water bodies –Lack of maintenance over the years has deteriorated the water quality lakes, ponds and wells. The central and state governments have taken the decision to resurrect these water bodies, and use these as water sources.
  6. Recycling and reuse of waste water – A huge amount of domestic and industrial waste water is not polluted with chemicals, and can be reused once the water undergoes proper treatment in the water purification plants. Using recycled waste water will reduce the pressure from the natural water bodies.
  7. Water to all homes – The water supply system is somewhat systematic in the urban areas. But the same is not valid for the villages. As the name of the sub-scheme suggests, under the Har Ghar Jal program, the central government wants to prepare a water supply pipe networks, in urban and rural regions. These pipelines will carry water to the areas and through smaller pipeline, offer safe water connection to every household. The idea of this project was taken from the Mission Bhagiratha that also puts stress on the water distribution and water level elevation.
  8. Estimated tenure of domestic water supply – As per the scheme draft, the central government and the state authorities will work with one another and will try to complete the task of pipeline construction and start domestic water connection by the end of 2024.
  9. Measures for farmers and industries –The agricultural department will organize special classes for the agricultural workers. They will gather information about proper irrigational facilities and water conservation techniques. Each factory will only receive a certain amount of water every day.
  10. Collaboration with researches and institutes – The implementation of the scheme will require the assistance of researches, school and college students, IIT engineers and NGOs. The researches and engineers of the IITs will work on the projects to ensure the viability and successful outcome. NGOs and other selected registered associations will do their part in maintaining the progress and proper course of the schemes.

People, from all sections of the society, class and financial backgrounds will be hit hard by this problem. Thus, the entire nation must stand together and work towards the elimination of this threat. The Jal Shakti Abhiyan will fix the water scarcity issue. Once this is done, the government will move on to the sub-scheme like Har Ghar Jal project, which will offer safe water connection to every home in the country.

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