Sukanya Samriddhi Account Application Form
Within a very short span of time, even before its actual functioning, Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana has become one of the most popular small saving schemes for the girl child and lots of people are searching internet and other sources for various details including Sukanya Samriddhi Account Sample form to open account. Dont worry we will provide the details of sample form for Sukanya Samriddhi yojana
Sukanya Samriddhi Account Sample Form details
The components of the form would be more or less self-explanatory and would include the following aspects:
- Name of the Post Office/Bank/Branch
- Date of Opening of Account
- Type of Account (Saving/Recurring Deposit/TD/MIS/SSA): Select SSA out of this.
- Denomination: (Not to be filled in case of SSA)
- Amount of Initial Deposit: Initial deposit should be Rs 1,000 or above
- Mode of initial deposit: usually, it would be CASH, however, you can check with the branch if they are accepting any other mode
- Full Name of Depositor(s) in block letters: Normally, it could be just one depositor, but SSA can have up to 3 depositors in all. This section would also ask for Residential address and Date of Birth of the depositor.
- The account to be operated by: You can choose the appropriate options.
- In case of Minor Account: Date of Birth and Date of Majority of the Minor should be provided in this section. It would also ask for relationship of the applicant with the minor.
- This section would ask for whether you would want a cheque book for the account. Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, as applicable.
- It would ask for a declaration and the applicant need to sign the nomination and other aspects of the terms and conditions. Please read carefully before signing it.
- This section would ask if the applicant want to nominate someone for the account. If it does not apply in your case, mention ‘Not Applicable’.
- This section would ask if the names of nominee(s) would be mentioned in the passbook.
- Thereafter, the applicant needs to sign the form along with mentioning their nationality and contact number.
Before you submit the form, it is always advisable to get the form check with the concerned official. It is always better to ask the competent person rather than making mistakes while opening the account.
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