YSR Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Scheme AP 2020

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Scheme in Andhra Pradesh 2019-20 (Our School now and then) [Government School Development Scheme)

Education is an important aspect of one’s life. Good education makes an individual a better human being. But the condition of the government education system is not up to the mark. The private schools offer several additional facilities to the student. But private school education is beyond the reach of many parents. To restore the current condition of the government schools, the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh will implement the Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Scheme. The successful implementation of the scheme will enhance the glory of the schools and the state education system.


Launch details of the scheme

Name of the scheme Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Scheme
Launched in Andhra Pradesh
Launched by YS Jaganmohan Reddy
Date of announcement October 2019
Date of official implementation Nov 2019
Event for scheme launch Children’s Day
Target beneficiaries Schools which are run by the state
Supervised by Andhra Pradesh State Government

Key features of the scheme

  1. Enhancing condition of government schools – The main purpose of this educational project will ensure the development of the government schools. Apart from revamping the building, the scheme also improved the education quality.
  2. Total government and state aided institutes – The Andhra Pradesh Education department has already made a list of government operated and state-aided schools, which are eligible for the project benefits. The combined list has already touched the 15,000 mark. 
  3. Estimated budget for the scheme – Restoration and remodeling of so many government schools will require a massive budget. Rs. 6000 crore has already been allocated for the scheme operations.
  4. Time span for the scheme completion – The Chief Minister announced that the scheme will be implemented in 2020. It will take around four years for the development of all the government schools. The scheme will be completed by the end of 2024.
  5. Renovation of the institutes – If the school building is old or needs restoration, then adequate constructions will be planned and carried out as per the guidelines of this scheme. The students will no longer have to worry about their safety.
  6. Adequate washroom facilities – Another shortcoming of the state run schools is lack of proper washrooms for both male and female students. Lack of hygiene paves the path for many diseases. With the implementation of the scheme, modern and hygienic washrooms will be erected for the students.
  7. Laboratory facilities – Most of the government school students do not have access to modern science laboratories. It has been mentioned in the scheme that special care will be taken to construct fully functional laboratories for the pupils.
  8. Supervision of the project – The Andhra Pradesh government highlighted that the implementation of the scheme and progress requires special monitoring. This responsibility has been placed on the shoulders of the experienced members of the Mandal Education Board.
  9. Parents’ Associations – The parents have the right to gather information about the scheme. The school governing body will select some of the parents to create the Parents Association. The members of this association will keep a tab on the restoration works, and help in the final report drafting process.
  10. Assistance of community contractors – The state government is hopeful that the exclusion of the private construction companies will make ensure proper utilization of the government funds. So, the restoration works will be conducted by the community construction agencies. 

Eligibility for the scheme

  1. Government schools – Only the schools, which are operated by the rules and regulations of the State Education Board, will be able to apply for the free construction and development facilities.
  2. Government aided educational institutes – The Chief Minister announced that the schools, which get financial aid from the state government, will also be able to enroll for this scheme.
  3. Operational schools – The scheme guidelines suggest that the schools must be fully functional at the time of enrolling for the project.

Documents necessary for application

  1. Registration documents of the institute – Only the schools, which have the necessary certifications from the Andhra Pradesh government, will be able to apply for the remodeling project.
  2. Address proof – The head of the respective government education institute must produce an official document that highlights the address and the locational details of the school building.
  3. State certification – It is mandatory for the government and government-aided schools to submit the certificates, which highlight that the respective institute is registered by the State Education Board.

How to get application for and register for the project?

This welfare project that targets the development of the education system and government schools has been announced in October 2019. The Chief Minister has not mentioned anything about the registration of the government schools. The education department will soon take the necessary steps to launch a portal through which the interested government schools will be able to apply for the benefits. Once the enrollment process is highlighted by the state authority, we will update the details on this portal.

How will the scheme be implemented?

  1. The state government wants to ensure that the agencies, in charge of reconstructing the government schools, take utmost care.
  2. Only the registered government engineers will be selected to draw up the construction plans. They will have to get these plans sanctioned by the state education department
  3. The task of construction will then be transferred in the hands of the community contractors. These contractors must possess a good track record and adequate registrations.
  4. The engineers will be accompanies by the head of the community contractors during their official schools visits.
  5. They will click pictures of the current school building and the facilities.
  6. The engineers will prepare a plan and send it for approval. After the approval, the state government will deposit the funds in the account of the contractor’s account.
  7. It will be the responsibility of the community contractor to arrange skilled workers, who can work on the constructions.
  8. Once the restoration and other constructions are complete, the engineers will inspect the robustness with special tools.
  9. If they are satisfied with the results, then they will click pictures of the new school building.
  10. The two sets of photographs will be scrutinized by the specialists. Once they approve the work, these reports will be released for the general public.
  11. The parents of the students, who are currently studying in the educational institute, will also get the opportunity to see these photographs and reports.
  12. The scheme requires the cooperation of all sections of the state government and the society for success.

The Andhra Pradesh authority is serious about the restoring the lost glory of the government schools. The CM also said that he and the ministers of the state education board are ready to put in more efforts to enhance the quality of education. Proper facilities will encourage the parents to send their wards to the institutes. Improved facilities will ensure the better academic future of the students. It can secure the holistic development of the state.