Delhi Free Wi-Fi scheme

Delhi Free Wi-Fi scheme at Public Places 2019

Free Wi-Fi scheme has been approved in public places in Delhi by the state cabinet committee. This is one among several promises made by AAP party in Delhi after coming to power. With successful implementation, it will prove to be the largest Wi-Fi project. So, it can be expected that work related to the entitled scheme will start in upcoming 3 to 4 months. From this, citizens of the state can avail free Wi-Fi service at public places for free. Read the following part of the write-up to know more about the entitled scheme.

Free Wi-Fi scheme Delhi

Launch details of scheme

Name of scheme


Delhi Free Wi-Fi Scheme
Target group of scheme


Citizens of Delhi
Main objective of scheme


Provide free Wi-Fi service to people of the state at public places
Scheme launched in


Scheme approved by


Delhi cabinet
Date of scheme launch August 2019

 Features of the scheme

  • Objective – The Delhi Free Wi-Fi Scheme has been initiated with the aim of providing free internet service in public areas. In addition, near about 1.4 lakh CCTV cameras will also be installed throughout the city. This will increases safety in the city.
  • Free internet facilities – For providing free internet access, 11000 hotspots has been planned to set up in the city. Users can get access to free internet within 50 meters radius for free. Also, each user will be restricted to use up to 15GB data per month with as high as 200 mbps.
  • Setting up of hotspots in Delhi – The city bus queue shelters will have 4000 hotspots. Along with this, 100 hotspots will be set up in common places like clinics, parks, and the like. Under each hotspot, 150 to 200 users can get internet connection.
  • Safety measures under the scheme – To check overuse of internet and restrict misuse, adequate safety measures have been taken. Even if most people have free internet access on their mobile sets, they are eager to use the free Wi-Fi connection provided by state government.
  • Internet accessibility radius –The free Wi-Fi internet connection can be accessed within a periphery of 50 meters. However, the internet connectivity may become weak outside 50 meters.

However, if the first phase of wifi implementation becomes a successful one, state government will take initiative to setup more hotspots in coming years. The fund for this free internet scheme will be done by the vendor. Also, the project will run on operating expense model. Also, the Wi-Fi hotspots will be connected with CCTV cameras in the state.

With effective scheme implementation, the state government is planning to provide free of cost access to internet connection throughout the city. Depending on its success rate, BJP party is planning for installation of Wi-Fi along with CCTV cameras in the second phase in Delhi.This shall help party to gain experience from first phase of installation. However, Delhi is the first among all metropolitan cities to have almost 10000 hotspot connection in public places.

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