One Nation One Ration Card Scheme 2020

One Nation One Ration Card Scheme in India 2020 21 [Linking Ration Card with Aadhar Card, Ek Rashtra Ek Ration Card Yojana PIB, UPSC]

After the huge success of linking Aadhar card with bank account, PAN card, LPG connection, passport and other important spheres, the central government has finally turned its attention to linking the Aadhar code with the ration cards as well. The scheme, though in its initial stages, has been named One Nation One Ration Card Scheme. When the scheme is implemented, people will be able to save and upload their ration card data on the central database, by linking it with the Aadhaar card. Here, you will get a glimpse at the features, benefits and probable eligibility and application procedures.

One Nation One Ration Card

Name of the future scheme One Nation One Ration Card Scheme
Launched in India
Launched by Narendra Modi
Preliminary announcement made by Ram Vilas Paswan
Target beneficiaries Every person that has a ration card
Supervised by Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution

Key features of the scheme

  1. Better implementation of NFSA – The central government passed the National Food Security Act to ensure that poor people get adequate food grains to feed their family members. As the market price of these grains is very high, poor people cannot afford it. The NFSA ensures that ration card holders, who fall in financially backward groups, will acquire food grains at very low rates. The central and state governments work in unison to offer the subsidy
  2. Centralization of ration cards – The Aadhar Card database is maintained by a centralized information technology. When the authority launched the Aadhar and ration card linking scheme, the data on the ration card will also be integrated under this system. The new ration card will be recognized in all parts of the country.
  3. Freedom from particular ration shops – The distribution system of food grains is rather rigid at the time. When the central government will implement this centralized ration card project, the food PDS will become convenient and flexible.
  4. Appropriate for migrants – Poor people have to depend on a certain ration shop to get grains at subsidized rates. But once he/she leaves the native state, the individual ceases to get this facility. When the One Nation One Ration Card Scheme will be implemented, the ration card holder will be able to collect grains at low prices from any ration store, in any part of the country.
  5. Transparency in food grain storage – Once the centralization of ration card data is complete, the system will work on the incorporation of the food grain and crop storage units. Both government-owned and private sector storehouses will be considered for this. Once all the food storage units are brought under the central data management system, the owners can no longer store food grains that are intended for the poor people.
  6. Elimination of corruption –It a common practice among greedy owners of ration shops to have food grain and fuel stocks, but they refuse to sell it to the people. The reason behind this is they can sell these commodities, bought at low prices, in the black markets, at very steep prices. They make a huge profit with this corrupt practice. However, the One Nation One Ration Card Scheme implementation holds the power to put an end to this.
  7. Installation of PoS gadgets – The Aadhar-ration card linking will help the central government to centralize and keep a tab on the PDS or Public Distribution System of food grains, which is carries out through the ration shops. To do this easily, all ration shops must install the PoS machines.
  8. Increase number of Fair Price shops – Every state has several fair price shops. As the name suggests, these outlets are run by the central and state government, and commodities are available at subsidized prices. The One Nation One Ration Card can only be implanted with success if the state and central governments work in unison to increase the number of such shops.
  9. Implementation time aim – It took the central government sufficient time to complete the Aadhar implementation and related linking processes. Thus, one can easily predict that the scheme of linking the ration and the Aadhar card will also take time. However, the central government has decided to take up the challenge and complete it within one year.
  10. States with IMPDS – With the successful implementation of this scheme, the central government will be able to centrally monitor the ration card details of all citizens. Modern software and technological tools will be used for the collection and processing of the acquire data. Everything will come under the centralized and uniform online system. This online system that will be able to manage details on a real-time basis is known as the Integrated Management of Public Distribution System or IMPDS. Such a system is already operational in Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Telangana Maharashtra, Tripura, and Rajasthan.
  11. Synchronization of other agencies – Once the Aadhar-ration card linking scheme becomes operational, other agencies, like the WC, CWC depots, FCI, government-run and privately owned grain store houses will also be linked in this system. It will create better monitoring, and distribution of food grains and related-information.

Eligibility and documents necessary for the scheme

  1. Residents of India – Only those people, who have legal documents to prove that they are Indian citizens, will be allowed to take part in the central-sponsored scheme.
  2. Must possess Aadhar card – It is mandatory for the interested applicants to have their Aadhar cards. In case any applicant wants to be a part of this project but does not have the Aadhar card, he/she will have to apply and attain the Aadhard card.
  3. Must possess ration card – As the main features of the scheme is to link the details of a person’s ration card with his/her Aadhar card, so, it is imperative that the individual has a valid ration card as well.

How to link Aadhar Card with Ek Rashtra Ek Ration Card?

The central government is still discussing the potential of the One Nation One Ration Card Scheme. Only some of the key features have been worked out so far. It has been highlighted in government papers that most poor and needy families tend to depend on one ration outlet, as it is how the system works now. After One Nation One Ration Card comes becomes implemented the scene will change overnight. If you have a ration card and it is linked with the Aadhar card, then you will not have to worry about this lamination. The Aadhar card helps the central government to get access to every Indian’s data. Once the ration card is linked with it, the central authority will be able to manage the PDS better with the added details.

After the successful linking of Aadhar Card with other important personal documents, it is the next big step that will ensure elimination of corruption from the PDS shops. Nothing has been mentioned about the actual linking process of the two passes. The authority is likely to keep provisions for online and offline Aadhar-Ration Card linking. When the respective authority will announced the linking procedure, you will get the details on this portal. One nation one ration card scheme also have some disadvantages.

The central government as well as the state governments has implemented the Food Security Bill for the betterment of the poor people. In many rural villages and remote areas, people do not have the means and climatic advantage of growing good crops, which can quench their hunger. The food grains, offered to these poor and needy people, at subsidized rates, are the only way to ensure that the people do not suffer from hunger. These people can only get food grains at low prices if they have the ration card. The new central scheme will give such people the freedom to attain food grains from any authorized ration show, by presenting the centralized ration card. Geographical imitations will no longer hider the ration distribution process.

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