Can we open two accounts for Same girl child in Sukanya Yojana

By now many of you have already known about the Sukanya Samriddhi Account for the girl child in any family. According to the rules and guidelines of the scheme, two accounts cannot be opened in the name of same girl child. However two SSY accounts can be opened if there are two girls in a family. But if there are more than two girl children in any family, only two accounts are permissible.

Just to explain if you have opened a sukanya account in sbi and you are not satisfied with the services and you want to open sukanya account for same girl child in other bank then it is not allowed. At the same time you are allowed to transfer this existence account to other bank or post office, you will be charged with some fees in this process.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana – Rules

  • Firstly the scheme is only for the girl child in a family of aged 10 years. That is the account can be opened only if the girl’s age is less than 10 years. It will be operative until 21 years from the opening of the account or she turns 18 and married.
  • The account must be opened through the local post office saving accounts. Also some of the private banks have now enlisted under the scheme for opening SSY accounts in the country.
  • The minimum amount to be deposited in the SSY account is Rs. 1000/-. After that, it can be deposited any amount up to Rs. 1.5 Lac at a time in a financial year.
  • At the age of 10 years the girl child can handle her account. She can also contribute or deposit money if she wants in future. The account will mature after 21 years.
  • There will also be e-transfer available in SSY accounts. That is the guardian or the applicant can deposit amount through NEFT/RTGS to the banks account.
  • The guardians will require submitting the birth certificate of the girl child at the time of opening the account as an age proof of the child.

Two accounts under SSY

According to the guidelines of the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Account, maximum two accounts can be opened for a single family. However many people get confused about this fact. The rules say that one family can opt for two accounts for two girl children.

For a single girl child, only one account is acceptable. If the guardian has already opened an account under SSY before then they have to deactivate the old account to open a new account for the same girl.


The SSY is a saving scheme to protect the future of a girl child. The money that the parents will save in the SSY accounts will be used for her education and marriage. After marriage the girl will not get any facility from the scheme or the accounts.

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