
Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme Gets Enthusiastic Response

Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme Gets Enthusiastic Response

Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme Gets Enthusiastic Response The new efforts by the Indian government are being met by outrageous response by the people. The level of appreciation can be seen by the success of these projects. A recent Small deposit scheme for girls met a great response by the people …

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Loans in Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Loans in Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Loans in Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana This Scheme was formally launched with the name of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and has been welcomed well by the parents of girl child in India. There are various benefits of Sukanya Samriddhi Account, the most prominent among them being …

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Can I open both PPF and SSY for my daughter?

Can I open both PPF and SSY for my daughter? As a matter of fact, both these scheme we are going to talk in this article are different from each other in many respects, technicalities and intent.  On one hand, PPF offers a long term saving option for all Indian …

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Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana for OCI PIO

Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana for OCI PIO There has been a lot of questions about Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme and one of them was about opening of Indians whos daughter are either OCI or PIO (Person of Indian origin). I have also seen this in IT Industry that Indian Parents who …

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Nukkad Natak to promote Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Nukkad Natak to promote Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana All during their service time, the employees of Ludhiana post offices would have never imaged that they would once have to show their acting skills and that too as a part of their jobs.  Yes, this is true.  To promote Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme, …

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Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana in PNB Bank

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana in Punjab National Bank Finally, the wait is over for those wanting to open Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts for their daughters or girl child.  After the scheme was launched formally in January 2015, Postal Department of India was the only institution opening Sukanya Samriddhi Account till now. Although, …

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Sukanya Samriddhi Account for NRIs

This article provides detail on Sukanya Samriddhi account for NRI. Just to give the background the Girl child Prosperity was never so talked about before Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana was launched.  With this scheme, parents of girl child can have some relief for their future, at least in terms of financial …

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