Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana for OCI PIO
There has been a lot of questions about Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme and one of them was about opening of Indians whos daughter are either OCI or PIO (Person of Indian origin). I have also seen this in IT Industry that Indian Parents who have birth to their child in USA gets the American citizenship.
As Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme specifically says that NRI cannot open this account for their daughters while they are not in India bur once they land in India they can open SSA account. But in the case of OCI and PIO since the nationality of the daughter will not be Indian even when they are in India will make then un eligible for this scheme.
Case 1: If you are an Indian and Your wife is also Indian and your daughter is OCI or PIO and all of both parents are NRIs then You are not eligible for Sukanya Samriddhi
Case 2 : If you are Indian and your wife is not Indian and your daughter is OCI or PIO and all of your are not in India then You are not eligible for Sukanya Samriddhi
Case 3 :- When Both the parents are now OCI and PIO and the daughter is also PO then also You are not eligible for Sukanya Samriddhi
Case 4 :- When both parents are now OCI and PIo and their daughter is an Indian but non of you are in Indian then also You are not eligible for Sukanya Samriddhi
Case 5: When Both the parents are OCI or PIO and daughter is Indian and all of you are in Indian then You are eligible for Sukanya Samriddhi
Case 6 :- When Both parents are OCI and PIO and are not in India but the daughter is Indian is in Indian then You are eligible for Sukanya Samriddhi
Hope this article would have resolved all your problems.