Alternative of Birth Certificate for Sukanya Samriddhi Account

When you walk up to any bank or post office for opening Sukanya Samriddhi Account for your daughter, birth certificate is one document that would be required for the process of account opening.  Since, the target of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is mostly the new born girl children, certificate of birth is the only way through which identity and age of the girl child can be verified.

However, there are times when parents or guardians could not get or collect the birth certificate and still want to open Sukanya Samriddhi Account for their girl child.  Especially, in rural areas, most of the child deliveries are done without any record and thus certificate of birth becomes a tedious affair.

In such a case, few alternatives can be exercised and account could still be opened.  Government of India has given some breather in such a situation.  The parents or legal guardians can furnish the following alternative documents in that case:

  1. A certificate issued by the Headmaster of the school verifying the date of birth of the girl child
  2. A certificate issued by the hospital where the girl child was born verifying the date of birth of the girl child
  3. Passport of the girl child
  4. PAN Card of the girl child
  5. Aadhaar Card of the girl child.

Either of the two documents can surely be prepared by the parents of the legal guardians in case they do not have a birth certificate.  There is still a challenge for parents wanting to open SSA for their girl child in which the child is not even going to the school and the certificate was not issued from the hospital where she was born.

Well, in that case, the guardians or parents need to wait till the girl child starts going to school.  As we all know that Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme is fairly a new scheme and there are both loop holes as well as work-around with every new scheme.  With Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana too, we expect the same.

Moreover, based on the feedbacks provided by the parents wanting to open SSA for their daughters, government could well revise some of its processes and features in times to come.

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