Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana in Post Office

Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana in Post Office (SSA or SSY)

Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana has brought in a lot of relief to the Indian parents and guardians as it promises a viably secure future for the girl child at the time of her higher education and marriage and she would no more considered a financial burden on the family. Best part of this scheme is that you can open sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana in Post office.

Apart from numerous benefits, the rate of interest and tax saving option with the scheme is quite alluring with more and more parents getting a Sukanya Samriddhi Account for their daughters.  You can get an SSA opened in any of the listed nationalized banks and even in any branch of post offices.  Here is how you can open sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana in Post office.

Sukanya Samriddhi Account Yojana in Post Office

List of documents required to open Sukanya Samriddhi Account in post Office

To open an SSA or SSY for your girl child, you would need three basic documents listed below:

  • Birth certificate of the girl child
  • Proof of residence of the parents or the legal guardian
  • Proof of identity of the parents or the legal guardian
Whom to contact for Sukanya Samriddhi Account in post office

The good thing is that you don’t need to get in touch with any agent to open an SSA in post office.  Simply walk up to any official available in post office, fill up the form, make deposit and receive the passbook.

Initial Deposit for Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana in post office

As per Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme, the initial deposit required for opening of SSA is a minimum of Rs 1,000.  You can put in more money if you want.  After the account is activated, you can deposit any amount in multiple of Rs 100 and there is no maximum limit to the number of times you can deposit.

That means, you can even keep depositing few hundred rupee every day, and there would be no fee for this.

Who needs to be present while opening the Sukanya Samriddhi Account in Post Office

While the SSA or SSY would be opened in the name of the girl child, she is not required to be present at the time of opening the account. However, the legal guardian or the parent definitely is required to be there while opening the account.  His/her signature would be verified in front of the post office official.

Last but not the least; do make sure that you collect the passbook of the account after it has been activated.  Passbook would be required anytime in future and at the time of maturity and closure of the account.

Other Important Articles to Read

  1. How to open Sukanya Samriddhi Account in SBI
  2. How to open Sukanya Samriddhi Account in ICICI
  3. Documents Required
  4. Age Limit